Week 13 of Teaching Practice in SK Ampang

Hello Week 13 !

            Monday kicked off with morning assembly and I continued with my checklist for the day - checking the venue, equipment, raising the official banner and distributing the schedule for our H.I.P program. All 15 practical teachers from KUPTM were involve in this program that were held for both morning and evening session. (Picture 13.1)

( Picture 13.1)

            My class on Tuesday was conducted by Mrs. Nabila while I organized the H.I.P program in the school hall. (Picture 13.2) Whereas on Wednesday, I have a writing class that focuses on spelling of verbs. Explanations were given according to textbook along with its example. Then, I let students to mingle in groups while they discuss on how to execute the charade.

( Picture 13.2 )

          Next, my class on Thursday was carried on by Mrs. Nabila since I took part in the program. (Picture 13.3)

( Picture 13.3 )

      Meanwhile on Friday, I entered my three periods class and conducted a writing class. During pre-lesson, I revise as many verbs as possible that they had learnt in Unit 3. Next I proceeded with identification of verbs and verb to be. Meanwhile for lesson delivery, I instructed students to do a charade. They take turns to mime lists of verbs that they got, meanwhile other groups had to spell and write it on whiteboard in Present Continuous form.

Below I listed SWOT Analysis of the week.


  • My students were able to memorize plenty of verbs that they learned in previous unit along with its meaning.
  • 15 over 18 students were able to identify all eight (8) verb to be of nouns from the passage given.


  • 3 over 18 students were not able to spell few verbs correctly in Present Continuous form.
  • Game is time consuming, hence students only had the chance to play it in maximum of three rounds only.


  • Students were able to polish their creativity when explaining and describing verbs of their choices.

That's all for this week.
