
Showing posts from November, 2022

Week 13 of Teaching Practice in SK Ampang

Hello Week 13 !                Monday kicked off with morning assembly and  I continued with my checklist for the day - checking the venue, equipment, raising the official banner and distributing the schedule for our H.I.P program. All 15 practical teachers from KUPTM were involve in this program that were held for both morning and evening session. (Picture 13.1) ( Picture 13.1)               My class on Tuesday was conducted by Mrs. Nabila while I organized the H.I.P program in the school hall. (Picture 13.2)  Whereas on Wednesday, I have a writing class that focuses on spelling of verbs. Explanations were given according to textbook along with its example. Then, I let students to mingle in groups while they discuss on how to execute the charade. ( Picture 13.2 )              Next, my class on Thursday was carried on by Mrs. Nabila since I took part in the program. (Picture 13.3) ( Picture 13.3 )         Meanwhile on Friday, I entered my three periods class and conducted a writing cla

Week 12 of Teaching Practice in SK Ampang

                  Monday of the week started with morning assembly as usual . In the headmaster's speech, he informed teachers and students that PPD will pay a visit to school on the next Thursday. Hence, everyone are obliged to keep the school's environment clean with teaching and learning.                      On the other hand, I had no classes on Wednesday till Thursday as I took days off from school. My classes were substituted by my mentor to carry on the lessons.                     Lastly on Friday, it was a public holiday for school. Hence my class was postponed to the following week. That's all.

11th Week of Teaching Practice in SK Ampang

               11th week of practical started off with morning assembly held at the school's hall. Monday goes on smoothly without any classes.                Time skip to Tuesday. I had no classes on that day, but I held a meeting with all practicum teachers to discuss about our upcoming HIP program. (Picture 11.1) It is a school project that was assigned to us,  organized by the Science and English unit.  Some of  the issues that have been discussed are, program objectives, nomination of committee members and procedures of program execution.           The week continued with Wednesday. I conducted a listening class during my two period class on that week. I carried out Activity 1 until 3 on page 46 along with the audio. Students answered the quiz to determine whether they are super language student or not. I also wrote down few questions based on the audio for my students to answer in their notebook.          Moving on to Thursday. I had my second observation with my mentor wher

Week 10 of Teaching Practice in SK Ampang

 Hello readers! Welcome to my summary of Week 10 in SK Ampang.             Last week, I had no class on Monday. Meanwhile on Tuesday, the school conducted SEGAK for all year 5 students. The test was held at the school's hall and teachers of year 5 were all involved (Picture10.1). I was assigned to take charge of station 4: Curl Up, along with Ustazah Izzah and Sir Mathn. (Picture 10.2) ( Picture 10.1 ) ( Picture 10.2 )               The week continued with Wednesday where I had two periods class early in the morning with 5 Amanah. I proceeded the class with Present Continuous Tense whereby I focused on analyzing sentences and changing verb into the correct form. I used Activity 2 and 3 on textbooks page 45, and audio 1.41.           Next, on Thursday I had an observation with my mentor (Picture 10.3). For the following three periods, I conducted a reading class about World Class! A Project by Liam Murphy. I began the class with identifying statements about SK Ampang to grasp my stu

Week 9 in SK Ampang

Hello week 9 !          Last week was a public holiday for Deepavali and I was off from school for three days, starting from Monday to Wednesday. Therefore, my class on Wednesday had to be postponed. Happy Deepavali to my Indian friends and readers!               Then on Thursday, I had three periods of class with 5 Amanah. I held a reading class about School Projects on textbook page 44. I stated the differences of schools around the globe, including Malaysia such as primary school and secondary school, boarding school and private school.           Other than that, I did a simple eye exercise with my students since there was one passage stating on how Chinese students took a break from studying. I saw that my students felt refreshed after doing the exercise.            Lastly on Friday, I had focused all three periods of class to teach about Present Continuous Tense. I use activity on textbook page 45 and passage on previous page as they are related. ( Picture 9.1 ) Below I listed the