
Showing posts from December, 2022

Week 14: Last Week of Teaching Practice in SK Ampang

        Monday of my fourteenth week was a public holiday due to the announcement of Malaysia's new Prime Minister. Meanwhile on Tuesday, I had no classes at all.           Time skip to Wednesday. I had two period class with 5 Amanah where I conducted a lesson of extra listening and speaking entitled Shopping at the Market, on textbook page 96. To warm up the class, I asked questions about market and supermarket to check if there are any student that did not know the differences. Next, I introduced Key Phrases on how to pronounce weights in units and fractions. I proceeded the lesson delivery with Activity 1 and Activity 3 together with its respective audios. I had distributed a simple handout of questions related to audio 1.31 to be completed in Activity 3 as well.          Moving on to Thursday and I had two period class. I held a class of curriculum extra on textbook page 103 titled Food and Science, expecting students to be able to understand and talk about nutrients. Explanati