
Showing posts from October, 2022

8th Week in Sekolah Kebangsaan Ampang

    بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ           I had no class on last Monday but I was visited by my academic supervisor, Ms. Shafiqah Eleena for a social visit. (Picture 8.1) We met with the headmaster, Mr. Yazid bin Zakaria and also the school's administrations.  Ms Eleena checked my lesson notes and asked for an update on how the practical session went so far. Other than that, she also visited few parts of the school such as the canteen, office, and staff room. ( Picture 8.1 )      Next, on Tuesday, I didn't have any classes including relief classes. Moving on to Wednesday.  I was supposed to have a class on that day, but the original teacher of that class, Madam Nabila had come in to teach since she had completed her maternity leave. She continued the class with new topic, which is Unit 4: Learning World. (Picture 8.2 and Picture 8.3)  I spent the rest of the school day by entering 3 periods of relief class in 5 Amanah replacing the absent teacher. (Picture 8.2 and P

Week 7 of Teaching and Learning at SK Ampang

  بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ               Last Monday was a day off from school as it was a replacement holiday for celebration of Maulidur Rasul.   Whereas on Tuesday, I don't have any classes at all, including relief class.          Next, Wednesday was a gloomy day because it rained heavily. I held a simple teaching and learning session to revise my students' memory regarding vocabulary of animal skills and language point of comparative and superlative.  I have used exercises 1 till 3 from textbooks page 40, as teaching aids.              Moving on to Thursday. I conducted a writing class, where students in groups had to create a poster about animals in danger. They had to include question 1, 2, 3 and 5 from writing guide in the textbooks page 39 in the poster. I had assigned four animals for them to work on namely, Proboscis Monkey, Malayan Tiger, Bornean Elephant and Orangutan. Below, I have included SWOT analysis for the respective week.  Strength  Plenty stu

6th Week: Handling 5 Amanah and HSN Celebration

  بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ                    I had no classes on Monday and Tuesday as the timetable remain the same. Sixth week begin with morning assembly that were held at the school's hall.                              Time skip to Wednesday, I had two classes with 5 Amanah in the early morning. I conducted a listening class about Animal Skills Quiz, by using audios and questions from textbook page 36. I have emphasized actions that animals can do as vocabulary for the lesson such as communicating, survive, hear and few more. Other than that, I ended the day with a relief class as assigned.                   On Thursday, where I had three period class with 5 Amanah. I specified that class for revision to check on previous worksheet given.                      The results of the worksheet were quite disappointing because half of the class were still facing difficulties to differentiate the degrees of comparison for adjective. Apart from that , I have also provide

5th Week Teaching in SK Ampang

  بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ              There were no classes and blues on Monday and Tuesday. Fifth week of school strated with morning assembly and followed by  award ceremony for outstanding employees and promotions.              Time skip to Wednesday. I had 2 periods class with 5 Amanah early in the morning. I wrote down plenty notes, focusing on the rules of using comparative adjective in a sentence and elaborated several example to help my students understand better. No exercises were given as I just introduced them about Comparative Adjectives in depth.                On Wednesday, I had 2 periods of relief class, replacing Mathematic teacher and 3 periods class with 5 Amanah. Teaching and learning session is continued with exercises to check on my students comprehension. I prepared a set of exercises, consists of 5 question of sentence construction.                    Lastly on Friday, I proceeded the lesson with Language Focus: Superlative Adjectives. I wrote o